Fort Worth Model A Ford Club
Fort Worth Model A Ford Club
Established in 1963 we are the Fort Worth Chapter of MAFCA
Membership in the Fort Worth Model A Club transcends the Model A Ford itself, offering a platform for sharing information about the vehicle, fostering fellowship, providing unique touring opportunities to undiscovered destinations, and delving into the rich history and fashion of the Model A era.
Our Mission
Our mission is to establish a central organization that brings together all owners or enthusiasts interested in the history, restoration, and operation of Model “A” Fords. We aim to cultivate prestige and respect within the community. Additionally, our club is dedicated to fostering better acquaintance among individuals, encouraging camaraderie, and promoting fair play. We achieve these goals through various sponsored activities, including the utilization of the Model “A” Ford and active family participation. For more information, click “About Us” at the top of the screen.

Forge Lasting Friendships With Fellow Model “A” Enthusiasts
To showcase, connect, and create lifelong memories on the open road.

Preserve The Legacy of the Model “A” Ford
Through exclusive events that transform every drive into an unforgettable journey.
Upcoming Events
Interested in joining? Be our guest on the 3rd Sunday of each month for our Club meeting.Interested in joining? Be our guest on the 3rd Sunday of each month for our Club meeting.
Our Mission
Our mission is to establish a central organization that brings together all owners or enthusiasts interested in the history, restoration, and operation of Model “A” Fords. We aim to cultivate prestige and respect within the community. Additionally, our club is dedicated to fostering better acquaintance among individuals, encouraging camaraderie, and promoting fair play. We achieve these goals through various sponsored activities, including the utilization of the Model “A” Ford and active family participation. For more information, click “About Us” at the top of the screen.

Established in 1963 we are the Fort Wort Chapter of the Model “A” Ford Club of America (MAFCA), a chapter within the Model “A” Restorers Club (MARC), and a proud supporter of the Model “A” Ford Foundation, Inc. (MAFFI).
Henry Ford (1863-1947)
Henry Ford, at the age of 83, had solidified his status as the most prolific native contributor in the history of the United States. As Edgar A. Guest expressed in his powerful radio homage,
“We are all indebted to him now. Whether rich or poor, in humble or high positions, each of us has experienced an improvement in our lives through his labor. He entered a world where the backs of men were weary and burdened. Through the dreams he pursued and realized, the weight of drudgery was lifted from the shoulders of the humble and transferred to the realms of steel and wheel.”
His Work Was Done