Model A Ignition SystemBasically, the points fire the coil, the coil fires the plug, the spark at the plug starts the flame and the ignition systems job is done for that cycle.

But of course, now for a few more details:

Distributor Cap: A plastic cap with an electrode to distribute the electricity to the rotor.

Rotor: The rotor spins around on the top of the distributor shaft and distributes the sparks to the right spark plug.

Plug Connectors: Metal strip that takes the high voltage from the cap to the plugs.

Points: Ignition points are a set of electrical contacts that switch the coil on and off at the proper time. The points are opened and closed by the mechanical action of the distributor.

The distributor is often called the “heartbeat” of the Model A engine. It takes electrical charge from the coil and sends it to each spark plug, in the correct sequence, and at the correct time, so the motor runs properly.

To do this it uses “points” and a “rotor”. A shaft driven by the engine rotates and turns the distributor cam. As the cam turns, it connects to each point (basically metal contact patches), along the way. When the point is closed (in contact), it acts as a switch for the coil to distribute electricity, which is held momentarily by the condenser. Then as the arm continues to turn, it moves off the point and breaks (open) the circuit, allowing the current to be internally “distributed” by the rotor on the top of the cam, through the housing, to the spark plugs. This is called opening and closing the points.

Rotor spins around on the top of the distributor shaft and distributes the sparks to the right, spark, plug, plug connectors, metal strip that takes the high voltage from the cap to the plugs points ignition points are a set of electrical contacts that switch the coil on and off at the proper time the points are open and close by the mechanical action of the distributor, the distributor is often called the heartbeat of the model a engine.

It takes electrical charge from the coil and send it to each spark plug in the correct sequence, and at the correct time so the motor runs properly to do this it uses points and a rotor, a shaft, driven by the engine, rotates and turns the distributor cam as the cam turns it connects to each point Basically metal patches along the way when the point is closed in contact, it acts as a switch for the coil, to deliver electricity, which is held momentarily by the condenser.

A points gap is the distance between the contact points of the rotor and the contact points of the cap. The gap affects the amount of timing of the charge that it sent to the spark plug. Changes in the contract point gap affects the way the motor runs. The contact point gap is adjustable in the distributor, so you can adjust for wear. While driving, it can also be temporarily adjusted by the spark advance lever on the steering column.