Ford Model A | Buyer’s Guide

As host Danny Hopkins, editor of Practical Classics magazine, puts it in our latest buyers guide video, driving a Ford Model A is completely addictive. Produced from 1928 to 1930 in numbers exceeding 5 million, there are still plenty of these “absolutely fantastic” vehicles to be had. Follow along as Danny goes over the ins and outs of these cars, including typical problem areas.

  • Remember to register for the upcoming MARC Membership Meet in Nashville, Indiana April 11-13. Nashville is known for 120 privately owned shops nestled in the hills of Brown County. Tours are available from the Columbus, Indiana visitors center, 20 minutes away from Nashville. Plenty to do and see.

  • Annual Business Meeting and Christmas Party
    Annual Business Meeting and Christmas Party

    Already January has flown by and I have tasks that are not done that should have been. Even the birthday flew by on the 18th and we had a nice family dinner but I quit counting the years. Unfortunately, we had to put down our 16.5-year-old kitty named Augie, and that was very hard as he was like the third child in the family.

  • Annual Business Meeting and Christmas Party
    Annual Business Meeting and Christmas Party

    We had a wonderful Christmas party at the Rose Garden Tea Room in Arlington. Members [...]

  • Wheels for Wellness 2024
    Wheels for Wellness 2024

    The Fort Worth Model ‘A’ Club participated in the Wheels for Wellness downtown Fort Worth car show on Saturday, September 21. We had 15 cars with members in attendance, and all seemed to enjoy the show.

  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Driving a 1929 Ford Model ‘A’ Cabriolet
    Franklin D. Roosevelt Driving a 1929 Ford Model ‘A’ Cabriolet

    Franklin D. Roosevelt, born into a wealthy family, could afford the best luxury automobiles. But it was a part of his "everyman" appeal that, when at home, he drove humble cars like this 1929 Ford Model A. Many of his cars were equipped with special controls that allowed the partially paralyzed Roosevelt to oper-ate the foot pedals with his hands.

  • Triple F Tour
    Triple F Tour

    On Saturday, August 24, our tour to Triple F Automotive was very interesting and lots of awe-some cars in the showroom and then an enormous variety of cars and trucks being restored, modified, etc. in the shops.

  • Model A Ford Foundation, Inc. Museum Wall
    Model A Ford Foundation, Inc. Museum Wall

    Although we have not completed our fund raising goal (we are at about 80%) for construction, we want to complete the “shell” of the structure this year as we continue to raise the remaining funds for completion. We expect to have displays in place in our new expanded area this time next year.

  • William Howard Taft motorized the White House fleet
    William Howard Taft motorized the White House fleet

    While Theodore Roosevelt preferred the stately formality of the horse drawn carriage, successor William Howard Taft Motorized the White House Fleet.

  • Hotter than Hell Tour Tour 2024
    Hotter than Hell Tour Tour 2024

    On July 20, thirteen Model A’s and five moderns participated in a tour to Mary’s Café in Tin Top, TX. Twenty-five members, family and friends enjoyed the rolling countryside views and the tasty food at Mary’s. Following the lunch, some members drove to Weatherford to tour the Vintage Car Museum before returning to Fort Worth.

  • Wheels for Wellness Car Show
    Wheels for Wellness Car Show

    Wheels for Wellness is a fun event with over 400 vehicles attending but more important WFW arranges with a lab for FREE PSA blood tests. Our donation will cover the cost of registration for members Model A’s for 21 vehicles, first come, first registered.

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