Wheels for Wellness Downtown Event Question

Wheels for Wellness 2024

The Fort Worth Model ‘A’ Club participated in the Wheels for Wellness downtown Fort Worth car show on Saturday, September 21. We had 15 cars with members in attendance, and all seemed to enjoy the show.

Franklin Bell won “Favorite Model A” for his 1931 Deluxe Roadster.

Out of all the Fords of all years at the show, Larry Howard was really surprised at winning the “Favorite Ford” award for his ’29 60C Fordor. The car has an interesting history. The 60C is the rarest of the 1929 fordors. It was purchased new in Oklahoma by his maternal great grand-parents. He got the car in the late 1960s. His great grandmother was moving to assisted living and told him he could have the car if he would pay her last electric and water bill (thirty-something dollars total). After a body-on amateur restoration he drove it to high school in Fort Worth and first year of college in Arlington. It was freshened up again in the 2010s. He said this was the first time it had ever won anything! Randy Minton has known Larry for over 50 years, and he is responsible for getting Randy into A’s and joining the Fort Worth club.

Congrats to both Franklin and Larry