Wheels for Wellness Question

Wheels for Wellness Car Show

Members, the Board of Officers on Sunday August 18 approved a $750 contribution to Wheels for Wellness Inc., the organization that puts on the annual downtown Fort Worth car show event. The donation will cover the cost of registration for members Model A’s for 21 vehicles, first come, first registered. The event is on Saturday, September 21 and the club has participated for two years with 14 vehicles displayed last year. We will be assigned a place to park all of our members together on one of the downtown streets. From the meeting on Sunday, we already have at least 12 registrations and therefore we have 9 places remaining.

If interested in attending please  download and fill out the registration form and mail, scan and email or take a photo of the registration form and send to Chuck Nixon, by September 9th in order to be registered and receive your pass to enter the show. 

If you would like you can call Chuck at 817-233-1470 and he can take your information and fill out a form for you then forward it to WFW.

This is a fun event with over 400 vehicles attending but more important WFW arranges with a lab for FREE PSA blood tests to screen for Prostate Cancer. It is a finger prick, a drop of blood on a slide, and you get an answer about your PSA number within a week. Anything 4.0 score or below is normal but if the score is elevated further examination may be necessary. Wheels for Wellness has had men who have told them “You saved my life!” as their score was elevated and they were diagnosed with prostate cancer, treated and recovered.

Let’s show the car show public that FWMAFC has a bunch of neat Model A’s and sign up new members of the club while we are at it.

» Download Registration Form